frequently asked questions

On this page you will find some of our more regularly asked questions and concerns. Most questions have been answered however if you cannot find out what you need to know then please just contact us and we will answer your question straight away.

Q, How long does it take for a handmade costume to arrive?

A, We endeavor to make our costumes within 10 working days. However depending on seasonal peaks or Bank Holidays, they can take a little bit longer to make. It is always worth contacting us before hand if you are cutting it a little thin with timescales. This way we can try and prioritise our work schedule for you and try and get it to you sooner.

Q, My usual size differs to the ones you have on your chart, which size should I order?

A, Our size can differ a great amount from the high street as we work from various pattern guides. It is always worth having a look at our size guide or letting us know your measurements before, when or just after you order. This way we can always ensure that you get the perfect fit when it arrives.

Q, I really like you costume, but I did not want it making in those colours. Is there any chance you could make them the costume in a different colour design?

A, Of course we could do that for you. Because of the nature of our business we have a wealth of material available to us so please just let us know what you have in mind and we will see what we can do for you.

Q, Hiya, I have seen one of your dresses which I love but was wondering if it could be made longer? I would prefer it knee length if possible.

A, No problem at all alterations are not a problem and are part of our great service to our fantastic customers.

Q, I have seen a costume that I like on another website. Unfortunately it does not come in my size. Is there any chance you could make me a similar costume but in my size.

A, We would love to if you just let me know the type of costume that you require we will make a similar one for you.

Q, Hiya, I am doing a big Halloween party and wondered if you can you adapt costumes? I am going as a Grim Reaper on stilts, So I require a costume that is really long.

A, That sound's great and we would be able to do that for you no problem. All we would need to know is the size details.

Q, I have a dance school production and really love you children's black and white check dresses. I need 20 in various ages, is this possible and do you you give discounts on large orders.

A, Hiya, We would love to make them for you and yes we do give discounts on large or bulk orders. If you can let me know what ages and sizes are required, we will give you a quote.